Meet Mongo!
Mongo is a short name for "Mong Kang", which means = stupid, retart and bodoh
He is a part of our family just few months ago, early this april.
His skills is
= Manja ( the most manja dog ever! even eat oso wan ppl to feed, sleep oso wan ppl to blanket him )
= Shit around where we sleep ( close to the bed, the corners.. he will target there. Babi... but sometimes he will shit in the toilet, all over. )
= Super speed ( this dog move so fast! from spot to spot he must run, cannot walk wan.. so proactive when see us, wanna catch and cuddle us. Ish.. go away dog!)
= Coward ( he is afraid of a bird outside our house, serious.. the bird bully him dey. Gangster bird, but that fella no balls wan, unlike his female partner* )
*another dog which we gave away already, the female is more brave, fight with the bird!
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