Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Heart & Soul

e all have a heart rite.. but mine is very hero

when i was young, this heart of mine is very fragile

makes me cry, when im scared, pee and shited in my pants

when i am liking food, made me thinks eating alot is okay, till im fat

when my parents is away, made me cry, miss them. afraid they will go away

i believed jesus instead of budha.. i wonder why

when im abit older, my heart got hurt

ppl dont help me when im weak, makes me think im stupid

some time later, my heart shuts down and run on auto pilot mode

hmmmmm dont remember much what happen during then

when im teen, my heart became stuck up, being cool, like a rock

hates love music, enjoy house and disco beats more than any other

one day, something sparked.. and my heart felt.. warmer

but my heart has so many worries.. lack of confidence, lack of experience

now my heart is back, to accompany me when im lonely

i wonder where has he been all awhile.. but im glad i have him

i have a good heart, not only he listens.. he promises me good things, gave me hope

my heart stills love food, but i have grown thin and fat and thin again

back 2 fat now... i guess my heart has its up and downs LOL

now my heart knows how 2 appreciate love songs, as long the lyric is romantic and sincere

now that he is back, we grow, and learn, and try 2 keep up

they say men thinks more than feel, how can they say that if my soul lives near my heart? ( or maybe i have turn gay.. LOL impossible.. without boobs and..ill die )

i guess sometimes.. men dont know how 2 express themself well.. we are not as strong as women emotionally, thats why i used 2 hate loves songs

so im sorry, when the time comes, i hope we are ready do well, in speech and in truth, to say what a men have 2 say, 2 do what a men have to do

hey.. im kinda good in typing things out rite? haha! my heart has thick skin 2!

from the bottom of my heart

'lets build us a good man from the inside out ya? lets work!'

1 comment:

Samuel said...

Hey.. Mr. Tan... you from La Salle rite? last time form 1 you was from class 1N?

Haha... hope i am not making a mistake... if i am correct hope you still remember me...